For Animal Removal of Squirrels, Bats, Raccoons, Snakes, & More Call Us At 919-356-7580 for a Free Quote

Raleigh Wildlife Removal

Raleigh is home to neighborhoods which flourish in local flora and fauna. Older neighborhoods are home to mature trees and habitat which hold many species of wildlife. Rats, mice, snakes, squirrels, moles, voles, groundhogs, raccoons, opossums, bats, and birds are common. Often times these animals end up in your home. Once wildlife become invasive to your property, it is important to contact Raleigh Wildlife Removal Services by Wildman to rid the nuisance pest wildlife. Wildman removes animals humanely with little impact on the environment.

Raleigh Wildlife Exclusion

When wildlife invade your home or business, the first step is to find out how they got in. Squirrels, rodents, and bats can fit into openings as small as 1/2” and sometimes smaller. Not to mention, they can chew their way in. Typically bats will not chew in unless they were previously sealed out. Squirrels, mice, rats, and raccoons however can chew through wooden soffits, eaves, and other easily accessible spots. When we perform a full wildlife exclusion, we use the highest quality metal products which are backed by up to a 5 year warranty (optionable). We also try to make our exclusion repairs as appealing as possible. If you need fast and effective wildlife exclusion in Raleigh, give us a call for a free quote.

Raleigh Bat Guano Removal & Animal Waste Cleanup

When nuisance wildlife invade your Raleigh home or business, they will often leave behind feces and urine. this is not only hazardous to your health, but the odors can be very unpleasant. Lastly, these odors (whether we smell them or not) can attract other animals. For instance, if mice were living in your attic, the left behind odors could attract snakes in your attic. Or, raccoon poop and urine in an attic could attract other raccoons. Raccoons are so strong and agile, that sometimes they make their own entry point when they want to gain access to your attic or crawl space. This is why it is important to perform a full attic clean-up and treatment when there are signs of animal excrement left behind. At Wildman Wildlife Removal, we can assist you with your bat guano, bird guano, raccoon feces, and other animal feces clean up services. In the event insulation needs replaced, we can assist with that as well.